[Any Literacy] Your Sci-Fi/Warhammer OC sees Uziel speaking with an Alien.

Your OC was walking around the city of their Homeworld when they see Uziel speaking with an alien that's talking in a language they can't understand. (Any Warhammer OCs should know he's speaking with a Tau commander)

Uziel: "I know both of our sides have our differences, but there's something coming that needs the combined efforts of both mine and your soldiers to stop it from happening."

(Normal RP rules apply)

Your OC was walking around the city of their Homeworld when they see Uziel speaking with an alien that's talking in a language they can't understand. (Any Warhammer OCs should know he's speaking with a Tau commander)

Uziel: "I know both of our sides have our differences, but there's something coming that needs the combined efforts of both mine and your soldiers to stop it from happening."

(Normal RP rules apply)